Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Saturday, Catch up Day!

Its nice to have nothing planned for my Saturday. Well, I do have to bake a family birthday cake for Celina. That gives me something fun to do. I will have to make a trip to the store for carrots. It's the one main ingredient I forgot to pick up on Friday.
I slept in till 6am, got in my hour of yoga, had Steve join me for a few planks then I finished up the rest of my morning exercises. Out the door I went to get in some cold miles of running. Just three because I'm still stuck on running just thirty minutes for my feet instead of trying to run more miles. The temperature went from 60 this week to the teens this morning. Burr... it was Chilly but I was still sweating by the end of my run.

I wanted to go check out the American Swedish Institute on Wednesday. For the month of February, they were doing free admission every Wednesday from 10am to 8pm. Might as well do this while its free. There wasn't a lot to see in this castle. It was just nice to go check it out and check that off my todo some day list. Next up will be the Walker Art Center, it's free the first Saturday of every month. My kind of deal! Maybe we will go see that next weekend?  

Sunday is already planned out for us since we will be celebrating Celina's birthday with dinner. I am making pasta shells, bread and of course the cake.
Logan has the last indoor soccer game on Sunday.

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