Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Lacking in my goals

I always have a lot of goals. This year it's been kind of lacking. Sure, I want to lose weight, tone up, work out every day. I start, stop, fail, start again etc.. Seems my motivation is just not there all the time. I'm all in every morning and then things start to fall apart. I'm still a work in progress and I've tried to give myself some sort of pep talk about its okay to take a break and its okay to rest. I just find myself making more excuses than making accomplishments. It's true, I never regret getting out and exercising. 

This morning, the temperatures outside were around 24+F with it getting up to the 40's this afternoon.  I made sure to get out early and cross country ski before the snow gets all slushy. Trail conditions were super good. My only complaint is all the oak tree leaves. They drag the ski's down and there is just a lot of leaves. Makes it difficult to ski and not fall. I also got an early start because the park is free from people! I like it to myself and it's best when I hardly come across anyone else. 

I got in my 5 skiing miles and now I'm resting.  I'm trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my Saturday since Steve is working half a day at his parents house. He is re-doing a basement bedroom. New sheetrock, flooring and trim. The works! I'd just like him to put that much effort into re-doing our bathroom showers. I am hoping that's next on his project list?? I want the tub in the kids bathroom gone. Re-do that with a walk in shower. We have the wall tile, just need shower floor tile. Next will be our shower to re-do it with new wall and floor tile. I want to lift up our vanity, paint it white and also re-do the floor tile. It's been 20 years since we moved in and it needs to be fixed up to look more current. I'll post photos when we are ready for our updates. 
I got to see Madelyn and Evan yesterday. I picked up Evan from school and then meet Kendra and Madelyn at Mcd's play area. That was Evan's request to go have a Happy Meal for the toy and to play.  Madelyn is now 3 months old and she smiles and laughs. It was fun to make her laugh. A happy baby! Even though my grandkids live close by, I don't see them enough! 

1 comment:

  1. I start and stop with my goals too. The winter always gets me down, but I'm starting to feel a bit more motivated with longer days and more sunlight.
