Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Why not bake when your trying to lose weight!

I have a huge sweet tooth! I think its okay to bake when I'm dieting. This way, I get a taste and don't feel deprived.

I have been thinking about making a Meringue cake forever! I finally did it. I thought adding coco powder to make them more light light fluffy brownies would taste a lot better than just vanilla. I had a tart pan and I traced that on parchment paper to make sure I was piping out the same size layers. I probably could have let this dry longer because it was a bit chewy. Since I only used egg whites for the meringue, I had 4 egg yokes left over. I've never made homemade custard but figured might as well since I had yokes! Super easy to make and tasted really good! Who knew. I thought we had left over whipped cream in a can but it was gone so didn't add any of that with the fruit. Steve and I both had a slice and the rest went into the frig. Not sure who will eat the rest? It was fun and quick to make and I'm glad I finally got around to making something different!

I caught Steve's virus. I was super achy all over last night with a little cough that hurt my back when ever I coughed. Made it some what easier to stay on my diet since I had zero appetite. I did eat some PB pretzels right before  bed because I took some Advil and didn't want my stomach burning all night. With eating the cake, I ate around 1000 calories and did zero cardio but did work for 2 hours which is burning around 400 calories just moving doing physical work! 

I'm not going to lie, my plans for today are pretty simple. Work for two hours, stop at the bank, drop off our taxes to the accountant and then sit in front of TV. I think Survivor starts tonight. I need to do some down time/resting to feel better! I hate being sick! 

 I cooked up two sweet potatoes in the oven yesterday so I have one left to eat and my veggie soup.  Plus, low cal 40 per cup popcorn. That's my eating plan for today. Keeping it simple! 

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