Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Friday, June 12, 2020

More list checking and randomness as alwasys

I'm little by little checking off my home project todo list. While it is just a small dent in the many little projects, it does feel good to get some done!

I was pretty excited to get some home projects done yesterday after the realtor came over the night before and confirmed that yes, we do need to get this done on our house to make it not only look better but sell for more should we decide to build a new house!
I'm just trying to do a little each day. I started on the yard because the grass is growing like crazy! We've had a lot of rain and I needed to mow before doing any other home projects! I just mowed the front yard and will finish the back yard today with trimming around the edges where the mower can't reach. After mowing, I finished using up all our deck paint on the stairs. I had just enough to get it all done and realized, I missed a few spots but we have zero paint and it's good enough this year. It will need to be touched up next spring anyway. We still have sanding to do on the deck boards to get off all the gray paint and then put on a clear coat. That's Steve's job! I'm moving on to indoor paint projects!

It's not a home project on my todo list for selling, but I want to paint the dinning room china cabinet white. You can't see it in this photo but it's on the left side. I'm going to put on a primer coat today. It's something I've been wanting to do. After, this cabinet is done, I'll start painting all those upstairs doors and then move on to the cabinets etc. 

Steve and I also looked at flooring last night while at Menards. We grabbed some free flooring samples. While I like all the gray flooring, it might be too much gray. Maybe light gray/ brown? It was around 2.50 per sq ft, and we have at least 1300 sq feet to cover. That's $3250 for the flooring! hum.... ?? It needs to be done for a uniform floor on the main level! We have cherry in the office, oak every where else, gray tile in the mud room and pink/gray marble tile in the front room (dining room) with carpet in the 4 season porch. It all has to be the same. We can leave the mud room tile since it's updated. 

I'm excited!! We bought a new garage door opener! Our old garage door opener was acting up this last year. It would't close unless you held the button when sunny outside. My remote door opener, just doesn't work so I'd have to go out of my car to open and shut from the key pad. Steve just needs to install the new one and maybe I can sell our old one for cheap? 

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