Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

It was 95*F

What to do on a 95*F day? Go to the river and boat! I just looking forward to floating in a tube on the river more then boating! It was pretty windy yesterday, which made the water rough. I'd post photos but I'm still having issues with my cell phone, connecting to my google pictures.

I've been waking up super early, like 3am and have not been able to go back to sleep! I thought it was from sleeping out in the tent on the air mattress. Even when I came inside to sleep in my own bed, I could not fall back to sleep! Here I am once again up at 3am and I slept in my own bed. I put the tent away yesterday morning. I was done with tent sleeping. After waking up at 3am Sunday night, feeling hot because there was no breeze and it was pretty warm out all night long. I was just done with camping outdoors. All winter I look forward to the day where I can sleep outside. I only like sleeping outdoors when I'm in the woods, and just tired from being outside all day. It's going to rain today and I don't like dealing with a wet tent, tarp and everything else that gets wet and has to dry out. I suppose that's why people don't like to camp. I would rather sleep in a tent than go to a hotel. I'd much rather have my own pillow, bedding etc. Although, it's a lot easier to just go to a hotel, but you miss the experience of being out in nature. Of course, I'd never want to camp in Florida where its hot and humid or camp in the winter. So there is always a need to stay at a hotel sometimes.

My big exciting plans for my day, go to Target. I hate shopping even more now that we have Covid going around. I finally need more yoga pants and want some black flip flops for summer. I'll need to go biking before it rains around 1pm today. My plan was to paint our deck stairs but that's not going to happen with rain in the forecast. I need to clean / organize the house. We have a realtor coming over Wednesday night to do a market analysis. Steve also is getting an antibody Covid test to see if we had it back in Feb. I'm 99% positive we must have had it. I had a dry cough for months starting Feb 5th. Fever, chills, tired at first. So maybe we have some antibodies? 

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