Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Friday, April 13, 2018

It's that tax time!

I only like tax time when we get back money. This year we get a little of both, we pay in and we get back. We pretty much break even. It's just the though of having to write out a check when we just got some money back in March. Easy come, easy go.
I reached Day 30 of my diet on Thursday. I had a lighter work day on Wednesday, which was day 29 so I decided better reward myself now for my dieting efforts. I finally used a gift card Kendra purchased for my birthday last year. It was well worth the wait. It was wonderful! Loved the color I picked out. I copied the girl who did my nails. She had light pink with one finger in silver sparkles. I did the same for my toes. I'll have to do a color change when it starts to come off as it's only $10. It was a much needed reward.

This was pretty much my before picture. I notice my weight gain in my stomach mostly. Extra fat I don't need! I should post an updated picture of my weight loss. I was hoping to feel thinner and look like I've lost a bunch of weight. It has not been a quick process. I've struggled with keeping my calorie count low.

Today's picture. I probably should have put on the same tank top but close enough. No one has noticed any weight loss. I can hardly tell myself. I did weight myself so I do know that I've lost at least 10 pounds. I was hoping for more like 20 at this point but I'll take whatever I can get. I weighted myself probably two weeks ago. I'm afraid to weight myself for fear I didn't lose any additional weight. I've been keeping my calories around 800 to 1200 for the most part. I can't seem to eat less then 800 so that must be where I need to be for my sanity. I'd like to drop weight fast but I do know that I'm more likely to develop better eating habits if I do it slow, choosing healthy foods.

I discovered that 1 cup of cauliflower is only 25 calories. Its crunchy and fills the void when I just want to munch and not eat many calories. It seems to do the trick in the afternoons when I just want to sit and eat.

I not only eat my chili veggie soup, but I've added in plain sweet potatoes, some protein once in a while like chicken or pork. Salads with a tiny bit of dressing. Just eating veggies and not sugar! I do have a few drinks on the weekends but keep that to under 2 glasses.

I still have plenty of time to lose weight for the summer and 10 more pounds would be nice. I'll just keep at it, slow and steady and not worry about my actual weight. Stay off the scale. That's how I lost 40 pounds 7 years ago. I never stepped on the scale. I think that was key to my staying on track for losing. I felt good and could tell by how my clothes fit.

It was national dog day this week. I don't take enough photos of my Zoey,  

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