Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Busy Work

I've been busy doing a lot of little things. Like make dentist appointments, schedule Steve's surgery, follow up with insurance etc.. It all needs to be done and the hoops need to be jumped. Getting it all done feels great. One step closer to getting everything in order!

The snow is almost 100% gone from a little over a week ago when we got 12" of snow. A not so nice mid April snow storm. Glad to see grass and soon to be 70's this weekend and next week.
My diet it's going so well. My eyes have trouble too. I actually thought this was a clear photo of my pizza. Soo very wrong. It's pretty much how I see things up close. This is the worst part of getting old. I can't see or read anything with out some readers. Without them, this is what you get!

Speaking of diet. I tried really hard yesterday to lose weight. I cheated a little and had some chocolate candy. Today, I stopped for a Strawberry - Banana smoothie. Both delicious but not needed. Oh well, I'm still going at it and will lose the 5 pounds starting Soon. Lol..

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