Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Thursday, September 10, 2020

The reason for our extended vacation!

 I never said why we had to do an extended vacation. It wasn't planned that's for sure but it worked out in our favor! 

We left on a Tuesday and the following Monday, Logan wasn't feeling well. He couldn't smell or taste anything and had a headache/felt tired. I made an appointment to get him tested that day for Covid. Wednesday we got the call from the nurse he in fact was positive! I was a little in disbelief. He has been pretty much staying in his room, only hanging out with 5 friends, getting a few take out coffee's and food. That's it! None of his friends tested positive. We have no idea how he got Covid?? That in itself is scary! How did he catch it? Lucky for us, Celina and Don, her boyfriend both tested negative. They had to wait 5 days after Logan felt sick to be tested, due to getting a false positive/negative. So Friday Celina was tested and of course its a 4 to 7 day test result wait. In order for us to be around Logan, he had to be getting better, no fever and 10 - 14 days out from getting symptoms. So, we decided not to come home to get exposed! 

I had him take Zinc & Vitamin C every day. I also told him to walk and not lay in bed all day. Guess it's better for your lungs. Celina left food outside his bedroom door. He had the use of the upstairs bathroom all to himself. Celina slept down in the basement while he was upstairs. I also had her sanitize all surfaces daily with Isopropyl alcohol, open windows, turn off the AC. 

When we finally did come home on day 14, I once again cleaned all surfaces, sanitized with alcohol. We got Logan all new sheets, bedding, shower curtain, bath mat, etc.. I made him wash all his clothes etc. to get rid of all the germs. We also used lysol on his bed, rug and curtains. So glad no one else caught Covid from him! 

I felt like we all were being super careful this whole time. Me, cleaning daily all frequently touch surfaces, wearing a mask, going to the stores only when needed. Not going to restaurants or  being around people. We did let Logan hang out with a few friends but that was it. 

I'm still taking extra precautions so we all don't get it. Soon we will be taking less trips to the store once schools start up. Logan at least has immunity for 3 months. I gave him the option to the hybrid school and he still wants to do online. He now can get a job if he chooses and hang out with friends inside instead of always outdoors.