Just one more day till I hit the goal I've been waiting for. A Normal BMI range. No longer in the over weight category based on my estimate weight loss these last 34 days!
For the first time, I had lunch on Friday. Well, if you call this a lunch, humas a few pita chips. I had really, really low energy all day and just had a tough time working and was really hungry. So not like me! I can usually last till dinner no problem. So, I broke the fast early and then ate. I just knew that I needed food. I felt so much better and then we went to dinner where I had three small street taco's one with chicken and the other two with beef brisk. I had a glass of wine with dinner and then we went to play cribbage and I had a cider along with some popcorn. Not a 500 calorie day of eating more like 1000+ but I needed it after over a month of dieting non stop. We just keep getting more and more snow. I helped shovel the 3" off the driveway then headed out to cross country ski this morning. Good thing I went early as the park was already getting crowded. Trials were in perfect condition and skiing was super! 1 hour, 10 minute and 5 miles skied. Now off to work for an hour, do some shopping and then off to a 60th birthday party at a brewery.
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