Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Thursday, June 25, 2015

I lost everything

I've lost my keys, phone, flip flops, money and clothes and my train of thought, the last couple of days. Lucky for me, I was able to find everything but not with out a lot of back tracking to figure out where to locate my missing items. 
I usually put things back exactly where they belong so next time I need it, it's right where it should be. I think I was overly distracted this week by my busy schedule. Glad I am done.. and its easy from here on out. No work on Friday and that means I can get in at least 6 miles and maybe bike or run a few extra miles. I still have some driving around town to drop off and pick up my kids from various activities, but it will be a lot less stressful with out having to fit in working 
Logan talked me into eating a slice of fruit tart with just a touch of whip cream this morning for breakfast. It's all the food groups minus the protein. I just told him all we need is some slivered almonds and we'd have our protein. Delicious breakfast by the way! 
Steve's mom dropped of crepe batter. I had no choice but to make crepes for dinner last night. She also had way too many strawberries. 
I just like them plain, no sugar. 
I'm sure crepes would be good with strawberries and whip cream too but I prefer mine with raspberry jelly. No, I didn't try doing a plank before I ate the crepe for dinner. I should have, but completely forgot! I just need to write it down on a piece of paper as a reminder to make this a new habit. 

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