Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Monday, March 31, 2014

2 minute Planks, I can do it!

I am now able to last two whole minutes doing a bent elbow plank and another 2 minute plank with straight arms.

 It was a long process getting to this point. My very first plank, I was shaking after 30 seconds. It took me 23 weeks or almost 6 months of daily planks to work my way up. I started at 30 minutes, then 1 minute, 1min 30 seconds and the last two days 2 minutes planks. 
Did you know doing planks works 26 different muscles. At least that's what I read somewhere... ? 
It's the little things that over time can add up to make a big change. When I started the plank challenge it was for only 30 days. The challenge had me believing I could hold a plank for more then 4 minutes. I was not convinced since after 30 seconds it was really hard.  I kept going day after day.. and now 6 months later or 180 days I worked my way up to holding those planks for 2 minutes. It was a slow process, but I didn't give up or quit. I might not be at 4 minutes, but I have a lifetime to get there.. There is no rush as long as I just keep doing planks every day.. there is no quitting now.. I will make it to 4 minutes someday. 

What's the longest you've held a plank? 

What challenge are you currently working on? 

What are some of your April goals? 

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Hands Free!

I need my hands free when I run. It just didn't work to hold my cell phone for my entire 7 miles. I just feel a lot safer running with my phone, not to mention I can take a ton of photos. It took a lot of effort this morning to not drop my phone while running. I'd much rather run hands free.
Lucky me.. I scored a $7.00 Running belt to store my phone, keys or money. 

Do not call this a fanny pack! It clearly is a running belt completely different and in no way related to those outdated fanny packs. 

It's rather stylish.. purple and it the exact size I need to store my phone and I can even get the next larger phone and still be good! Plus, I've heard about runners pinning their bib numbers to a running belt for Tri's easy transition between the swim, run and bike change. I can also fit keys and stuff my gloves in this pouch if needed. Mostly it's just going to be for my phone. 
It has not been above 60+F since October 13th of last year. Felt great to actually feel a spring day! The kids broke out their shorts and I once again, got out the flip flops.. If I'm not in running shoes, I need to be wearing these! 
Now that I'm officially running outdoors again. I have to keep my indoor gym shoes separate from my outdoor shoes. Good thing they are a semi different shade of pink or I'd get them mixed up. I'm just trying to keep the new indoor shoes nice for a bit longer. 
I finished my shopping day with a new summer running shirt. This is super cute and I can't wait for a hot 80*F day to wear it out while I run. I have a problem when I shop, I always can find something for running, but not everyday clothes. This is a problem! 

Completely forgot got to update on my weekly mile totals:
Cross Ramp Miles = 21

Treadmill Miles=  15
Outdoor running miles = 7
Stationary Bike Miles = 2
Bikini Challenge days = 4, & 6 days of planks
Total Miles for the week = 45


What have you recently purchased to run in?

Favorite color for spring clothes/shoes? 

Loving the Change even if I wasn't at first.

It's been a long time.. and now its time for a change. I got pretty comfortable over the winter months at the gym running indoors. Transition with the seasons is hard for me. I welcome change and then I dread it. I completely changed my mind about being 100% into running outdoors just yet.. but I did it.. I stalled for an hour, wanting the temp to warm up more then 38*F.. it did get to 40. I was not going to not listen to my self doubts and just get out there and run it! 
I did a smart thing before stepping outside. I warmed up inside with my Bikini Challenge Day 55.. thank you very much! Finished that.. and was a semi-sweaty mess. Now I needed to step outside just to cool off before putting on a few layers to run. 
I forgot just how much I need to wear just to run.. My new arm warmers (worked perfect!!), gloves to keep my fingers warm, cell phone, GPS watch, heart rate monitor, ID bracelet, Ipod, ear buds, visor hat, tank and long sleeve shirt. 
Ready to run.. now where to go? I decided to run up to the gym... 7 miles round trip. I was a bit disappointed when I looked down at my GPS and realized I was going at a 11 minute per mile pace. I needed to pick it up.. and I did.. and it felt good. So glad I did indoor incline hills and hard resistance all winter long. I didn't lose any fitness. 
It did feel weird running on pavement. I had to run slowly over some ice covered spots which slowed me down. My legs felt fresh, which I was not expecting. I don't know where time went because it felt too easy and too quick. 7 miles done in 1 hour and 7 minutes (with stopping for a light 2x's)
I wanted to keep my first outside run of the year to an easy pace and just look around and enjoy the day. I even considered running 4 more miles when I got home, but then hunger over took me. 
Feels great to be outside.. loving the change now that I just got out there and ran my buns off! 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

What $67 can buy you?

$67 can buy a lot of power bars.. at REI.. I noticed everything they sell is around $90 on up.. Last year we purchased a Thule for carrying our two kayaks on top of my Toyota. We really liked it.. Spent a small fortune, more then the kayaks just to be able to bring them up north with us. This $67 was our profit sharing from being a member of REI.. now what to do with it..?
I would love REI a lot more if I could spend unlimited amount of money on bikes, camping equipment, workout clothing etc.. Since that's not the case, we tried to keep things fair. What to spend the money on? Steve and I sure took our good old time looking at just about everything. We were thinking of getting a new pair of binoculars or a GPS, maybe some clothes, sunglasses or another bike. Then a great idea came to us.. Why not get a bike rack? Locks for the kayak rack so no one can steel it. 

Here's what we decided.  You can't go to REI and just spend $67. We spent way more.. on a New four Bike rack that swings out of the way to open the trunk. Not only can we bring kayak but bikes for our camping adventures up on the North Shore of Minnesota. 
We did manage to get 4 locks for the kayak rack and that was around $60. There you go.. we found something for $67.. and more! 

 We all can not wait to go camping this summer. Kayaking, biking and hiking are now all on the can't wait to do list!
Suppose it's time to go over my workout for the day.. I had a few options. I was very undecided. I had the option to run for free a 7 mile race in Eden Prairie. The other options were to just run outdoors or go to the gym and run. It was only 20+F this morning. Pretty chilly but sunny and no wind. I'm not really feeling the racing bug just yet. I need to get out doors and run before I can consider running a race. I wish I was wanting to run it because you can't beat a free race! Oh well.. there are a few more this summer I can still do. 
3 miles on the cross ramp... 3 miles on the treadmill.. and 2 miles of biking with 30 minutes of resistance (weight lifting). Plus I did my Bikini Challenge Day 54 before I left the house to go run. I like my non-stressful workouts. I know I need to kick myself a little for passing up that morning race. Right now I'm just going to concentrate on doing more of what I enjoy and not doing what I just don't have my heart into. Racing will always be there and when I feel like it.. there is some race every weekend. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

I just don't know...

I don't know if Spring will ever be here in Minnesota.  We got another snow storm on Thursday. Lucky us..
I just couldn't get motivated to do anything other then sit on the couch all evening long. The snow really threw me off because I almost missed my chiro appointment. That just never happens especially when I look forward to it. It's kind of a treat, I get a mini back, neck and shoulder massage for about 15 minutes followed by some stem (heat pad with electrodes- 15 minutes) and last my adjustment (neck/back cracked). I come out of there feeling like a million bucks! 
I was craving a turkey Subway sandwich last night for dinner. The kids don't care for sandwiches, but they really love those thin boneless pork chops. Logan loves to cook and I was more then happy to let him take over since I know he will eat what he cooks. He made his dinner and Celina's last night. How great is that! 
I know.. a sweaty mess.. That's the look lately when I've had a tough workout. You know what? All workouts are tough. A friend said to me.. "oh you run all the time, this is easy for you". No it's not easy. It never gets easy. The only easy part is the habit of running every day. I know everyone wants to believe it gets easy and it could if you stop challenging yourself. What would be the point? You'd never get stronger or more fit. 

To push on.... I ran again at level 2 on the treadmill which means my random hills maxed out at 2.2% incline. It doesn't sound like much, but its enough of a change, challenge running at 6.0mph for 30 minutes. Don't forget I warm up on the cross ramp and that's all hills.. 10 minute miles for 3 miles.. a good hard workout with lots of resistance 13/14.. 
We both can laugh at this.. Steve has some buddies that think he doesn't run every day. They all complain about being sooo old.. When he feels great. I don't know when being in your 40's becomes old. We are not exactly 20 anymore, but we are in just as good of shape or better then we were in our 20's... If 50 looks this good on us... and we are this fit.. Bring it on!

It's that Bikini Challenge time.. Day 53 of 100 days.. Over half way there.. not counting the days I missed, but am making up.. 
6. side lift R/L
9. Straight Arm PLANK
10. Super Woman

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Running Stuff gets me all pepped up!

I love getting anything about Running. Lookie what came in the mail yesterday.. 
Steve made some amazingly good veggie soup. I don't cook, but I can give you the run down of the ingredient list: leeks, potatoes, carrots, veggie broth, O-noodles, black pepper. I added more salt because he under-salts and I love the stuff. I just assume due to all the sweating I do every day, I must be lacking salt in my diet. 
I've been giving a lot of thought to signing up for a triathlon this summer. I know, last summer I was planning to do one and then all the expense of the equipment and me being chicken to swim in the lake made me change my plans. I just think back to all the fun I had training for the tri, swimming, biking and running every day. It just felt good to be out doing something and working towards a goal. My biggest mistake, never registering for a tri. If I would have just paid the money and entered, I would have just done it. 
Now can summer just hurry up.. I have training to do! I guess for now, I'll have to settle for more indoor running. Another morning at the gym. Cross ramp 3 miles, and the treadmill Level 2 (incline up to 2.2) for 3 miles at 6.0mph.. The entire treadmill run I kept thinking how nice it's going to be to run outdoors. I think Sunday I might just do that! It's going to be in the 50's. Perfect running weather! 
I completely forgot to take a photo yesterday. A friend and I went to lift some weights together. So glad I got off my buns in the afternoon. Now to make this a habit of lifting weights. I just need to up the weights or reps since I wasn't sore at all. I thought for sure I'd feel something today but nope.. nothing....Which means I didn't work hard enough. 

Did you think I stopped? Not a chance.. Day 52 bikini challenge.. going to day 100... 
3. PUSH UPS 10
6. side lift R/L 40/40
8. ELBOW PLANK 1:30/30
9. Straight Arm PLANK 1:00/1:00
10. Super woman 2:00

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

It's always about me...

When it come to fitness, running and food.. my life revolves around me. Good thing this blog is about me or I would have gained back the weight and probably stopped running by now. I needed this blog to keep me going, so if it seems like I'm all about me... I am. At least when it comes to what helps keep me motivated even on low motivation days this blog helps and it helps a lot! 
This is what I learned from other bloggers!(small list but I'm sure it could be longer)

1. Its okay to take lots and lots of selfies. It's not narcissistic.. it's NORMAL in blog land!

2. You can obsess on what ever you want.. and go on and on if you choose. It's your blog and people don't have to read it

3. You can brag about race times, workouts, what you eat, where you vacationed or anything you want to brag about .. 

If I think of more.. I'll add them later... 

Dinner last night chicken, rice, guacamole, peppers/onion taco and this will be my lunch today, minus the tortilla..  Can I just have lunch now. yum... yum... yum.. I really should switch back to brown rice.. I'll give it some thought. 
I'm not sure why I do this to myself.. I saw Spring and Yellow filling and that was all it took to make me purchase some cookies. I didn't just stop at two.. it was more like 6... but at least there was a little spring in my life.. 

I have a busy day and there is no time to rest.. My running 6 miles are done.. working for a few hours and then going back to the gym with a friend to lift weighs. 

What are you doing on spring break?

Any good movies to watch? 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My Motivation is going...

I would like to feel motivated all the time but, lately I've been less then thrilled. It is something that will always take a lot of effort to get up and just go do it.. workout. I read a motivational post..and it went something like this. "You might not notice the difference from a run today.. but you will over time.." Which is exactly the reason I keep running. I don't want to give up what I've gained from all the days running. 
 I spent extra time waking up and stretching. It felt great to just take my time and then off to the gym we went. Which felt strange getting there so late. 
I wanted to try running these legs/feet at a higher incline on the treadmill. I upped it to level to which meant the largest percent incline was at 2.2. Slow 6.0mph for 27 minutes and the last 3 minutes was at 7.0 to 8.0mph. I thought the treadmill sounded awful like it was going to break at 8.0mph so I slowed back down. 
I really need to get back to my bikini challenge.. I've been doing the planks but need to do the rest of my daily workout. Time to talk myself into being motivated. 
Trying to eat healthy.. lunch was a salad and some grilled chicken with BBQ sauce. Dinner was not so healthy. We had zero food at home and we had a gift card to Burger King that we had for a few years. Dinner was a Jr. Whopper (no cheese, no mayo) but lots of ketchup and onion rings with a root beer. Dessert was a bite of a chocolate bar. 
Missing this little guy already today. We had a good lazy Monday together..
And the sickness around the house is spreading.. Now Logan is coughing and his throat is sore. Off to the doctor with him.. and hoping we are all healthy soon! No wonder I'm having a hard time being motivated.. the cold weather, everyone getting sick, and no sight of spring.. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Favorite Little Guy..he is teaching me a lot!

How cute are those baby jeans? 
I have a hard time wanting to do anything other then play and hold Evan on our days together. 
Pe'pe'-Stevie,  has a hard time wanting to leave for work . Its much more fun to play with Evan. 
I think Evan is trying to tell me that doing planks every day is working. It's not as hard as it use to be. Every day we both get a little stronger. I am trying to build up to doing 2 planks: elbows at 2 minutes and straight arms 2 minutes without being in too much pain. I easily can last 1 minute 30 seconds. Today, I lasted 2 minutes with straight arms. It's a bit easier this way.. 
Another hot and sweaty morning run. 3 miles on the cross ramp running the resistance hard at 13/14.. then taking it easy for the treadmill run 6.0/6.5mph with the incline to 1.5%. At some point I'm going to level 2 on the treadmill for hills/incline. It's my plan to start doing this.. it's always much easier to take it easy.. then to push myself to run harder. I have to remember.. get the most out of my 30 minutes on the treadmill. It's not a long time and I can do it! 
Time to see if this adorable little boy is awake. We have more fun things to do today... 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Healthy, feeling good.. Sunday!

No such luck being able to sleep in at all this weekend. Happy to be feeling so much better today. I was back to running at the gym bright and early. Glad also not to many gym peeps were there. It's kind of nice when its quiet and you can actually hear the radio. 
 I was having such a good run on the cross ramp, I decided to keep going for the entire hour. I'm up to resistance 13/14 going backward. My legs felt fresh from having a rest day. I actually realized the last 5 weeks, every week I take a day off of running. It just kind of happened that way. I usually plan for zero days off. 

6 miles in 60 minutes...  then 10 minutes abs and arms. I didn't want to over do it even if I was feeling better. I'm still not 100%.. 

It was Logan's last day at the State chess tournament. While he was busy playing chess, we went for Mojo Monkey donuts! Steve really had a great idea. 
 Deliciously good. Glad I burned off 700 calories! I ate them back in a second! 
We took a ride along the Mississippi River where the chess tournament was being held. I had no idea about this great running trail next to the river. It goes all the way down town. I have no idea of how many miles, but we made a plan to come back this summer and bike it, then I will run while Steve bikes. I love having fun summer plans on our must do list! 
Speaking of must do...We Made the best individual pizza's tonight. We shopped at Trader Joe's for all the toppings. Pesto, cheese, tomatoes, peppers, sauce, chicken. 

Another weekend gone.. 

Time to total up my miles of running....

Treadmill Miles =9 total
Cross Ramp Miles =  21 total
Cross Country skiing Miles = 6 total
Bikini Challenge Days = 5 total
Weights = 60 minutes aprox
Total number of miles = 36