Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Friday, July 10, 2020

More issues!

Nooooo I just wanted to go to the lake for the day and spend the night! Got the car all packed up, jet ski hitched and Celina and I were ready to try camping at the lake on our own. We tested the trailer lights and they were not working! Nooooooo, so Steve wasn't home to help fix the issue. I had to do it on my own. The trailer light looked broken on the bottom, so I drove up to Walmart, got new trailer lights and put them on. It was pretty easy to do. I was surprised! Good thing I picked up some tools with the lights because Steve brings all to work and leaves nothing at home. The lights still didn't work. I watched a few U-tubes on the topic. Even looked at the fuses in under the hood, they looked fine, drove to get a new fuse just incase. They mentioned another fuse box under the steering wheel. So got that off, checked the fuse, that also looked good. I did purchase a electric tester when I got the lights and nothing, zero power still. I'm not sure what the issue is at this point. Steve got home, we tested my trailer lights on his truck and they work, but not the running lights. Ugh!!!! At least the break and turn signals work on his truck. So that was my day instead of going to the lake!
 Trailer lights and fuse panel! At least I learned a little about trailer lights and fuses yesterday! I was really hoping I could figure out this issue on my own.
I also added oil to my car, which I've done before. It's good to know how to do simple things on a car.  Its really not that difficult. 
I couldn't resist buying this cute watermelon chocolate cake. I normally don't buy stuff like this because I'm usually the only one eating it. I don't need cake, but it sure was good. And Yes, I did eat most on my own. 

Trying to sell more. This old lantern is on the selling list. Steve's had it since he was 15, it's now 40 years old. I'm sure someone wants an antique. They don't make them like they use to! 

This weekend we are home. I'm working just a little bit on Saturday. 

It's getting scary now with Covid exploding in all the states. Out of control thanks to our government! No plan in action! Thankfully, we are in MN right now Covid isn't as bad as the rest of the country. I'm sure we will get there. Kids that are playing sports around our area are starting to test positive. It will only spread farther. Our State numbers are 500+ per day, with 40 cases per day in our county. I just don't see a path for our kids to safely go back to school in September. Our health care system won't be able to handle it. I just think we need to dial it back to, no sports, no indoor dining, no bars open, no movies. Just work, some stores and that's it! We can live without that stuff to keep us all safe. Please wear a mask everyone!!! We still don't have a state wide mandate, but more cities are requiring masks. 

1 comment:

  1. It seems we can find out how to fix anything on YouTube! Good for you! Too bad you weren't able to make it to the lake though. I wish everyone would wear masks too and think it's scary to think of schools opening.
