Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Monday, April 27, 2020

What's keeping me up at night?

Times are so uncertain. I sleep good some nights and others, like last night I was up for hours. I try to reassure my mind that we have money in the bank, we have till July to pay the mortgage and truck loan. We still are all healthy and living. We have food, shelter and are fine right now for at least a few months. No need to panic now! I've also mapped our our expenses and how long we can last once we have to pay all our mortgage back and start up the truck loan. Can we make it a year? That is to be determined...

I'm trying to stay positive. Checked the IRS web site and yes, our money arrives April 30th. It will go right into savings for the time being. Still no unemployment pay news for us self contractors. Although, the Governor did say, some of us are being paid. I still see Zero's in our accounts. The site does say the end of April. Are we there yet? April ends on the 30th.. Hello, it's the 27th! Does this mean we get a big fat Zero?

That Customer I was waiting to hear back from, decided to wait two more weeks to see if things change? At least its potential money earning? I'm staying hopeful.

This is what I was up to on Sunday. Let me just say, Sunday was boring for a few hours. We had some rain and couldn't figure out what to do with ourselves. 
I started the day spray painting this little plastic outside table gray. It was aqua and chipping. Just a quick spray paint and it was looking good again. We keep it out by the fire to set our drinks on.

Steve washed the windows with my help. He just got the big porch windows and cleaned the lower level windows. They look a lot better. I also used the brush to scrub some of the dirt off the 20 year old siding. It still needs a lot more cleaning but at least I got under the deck and porch. 

Steve made some chicken legs last night and I cooked up some naan bread pizzas. We had another leftover night to eat up what was in the frig. I'm still planning on making ravoli but not on a nice day outside. I think Tuesday it's going to rain, so that's my plan for dinner

My little garden is doing okay. It's mostly chives, but I did transplant my radishes and planted lettuce,  and basil with some flowers. We will see what grows?? I'm hoping the rabbits don't eat everything. I only have tomato wire to put up and that's to keep the dog from walking all over my plants. It's also pretty shaded in our yard. Not sure if my garden will get enough sunlight. Might as well try since I have seeds. I still have my front yard pots I planted and am watering daily to see if anything grows. We have a bit more sun in the front yard. 
After dinner we took Zoey on her now daily walk. We just go to a local soccer park and walk the undeveloped area. This way she can hunt! I extended her leash by adding two together. She was much happier have more distance to roam. 

Steve and I had company walking the dog last night. Everyone now likes to go for a ride and a quick mile walk just to get out of the house. 

The sprinklers were on the fields last night around 7pm. We got there late yesterday, so now we know to go earlier before they start watering. 

We are back to Monday! I have a tiny bit of work at noon. Which I am grateful. It's not nearly what I use to work, but what ever work I get is good. It also helps to fill up my day and makes me feel useful. I'm still trying to figure out what to do next for a job? Do I go back to formulation chemist jobs, do I still work for myself, do I try to go back to school for something else? Try selling some things we no longer use?

It's going to be 74 degrees today. I plan to go for a run, walk the dog, wash my car, sit outside. Maybe clean my side of the garage. It's a start!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you are making the best of it with your time at home. It is such an uncertain time for sure. My start date to go back to work (school cafeteria) is August 3. No idea what things will be like by then. I can only hope they will be better. Stay safe and stay well.
