Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Getting a workout before the STORM!

I checked the weather report the night before. Thankfully, I paid attention because we are in for some severe storms this morning around 9:30am. I got out at 6am, went for a 1.5 mile run then decided if I was going to bike, I'd better do it now! I cut my bike route short and went for 8 miles. Since it still looked okay outside, I finished another 1.5 mile run and was Done for the day!
We have morning plans to go get Glam Doll donuts but will wait out the storm before we head out. I needed to get in a workout  before having those high calorie treats. Day #71 of my diet. I ate far too much last night to stick with a low calorie plan for the day. I at least got in a lot of exercise with running thee miles and biking 14 miles. I have to get back to eating less!

and here comes the morning storm...

It's 9am and pitch black outside. Feels like night time. I am hoping the storm rolls through quickly so we can get out for our morning donuts!

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