Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Friday, March 20, 2015

Road Closed!

Are parks suppose to open at sun up? I was very surprised that the park was not open at 7:45am.. 45 minutes plus past sun rise! My plan was to run the park trails and then I came to the park road block. No going in to run! 
I had zero time to waste and that meant I was not waiting till 8am to see if the park would open up. Instead, I ran our neighborhood loop 4x's. An okay option.. but not what I wanted to do. 
I was running Garmin blind again because I refuse to stop and figure out why my watch won't tell me my pace while running. I never find out till my info is uploaded into my computer. I am not a fast runner and mostly I just take it at an easy pace. I was happy to see my hill workout  had me going at a faster pace. Look at mile 6.. without trying a 8 minute 57 second mile. Anything under 10 minutes when I'm running easy with hills is a nice pace for me. 
I'm still attempting this whole eat more protein at every meal to keep me full longer. I really love my PB on whole grain bread for breakfast and I am getting protein from all the peanut butter. No need to change a good thing for breakfast. Lunch, now that's where the variety come in.. I never eat the same thing. I tried making breakfast for lunch. A cheese omelet. Not a very pretty omelet but tasty eggs. I had three eggs and was still hungry so I had a banana. Good healthy lunch with a little bit of sweet banana. 
Snack time came and I was HUNGRY.. I don't think eggs keep me feeling full very long. I ate way more Ancient grain Cheerios's then I needed. Dinner, was back to protein, chicken and two sides, roasted broccoli and sweet potatoes. This was Logan's chicken he cooked. Much more fancy then my chicken. He's all about presentation. I just want to eat. 
Didn't I say something about making healthy snack choices? Steve and I both noticed the Key Lime Ice cream sandwiches at Target last night. We both were thinking the same thing.. we must try this! Our opinion, not enough lime, in fact we had a hard time tasting any lime. A real disappointment! Now we have 10 more.. blah ice cream bars to eat. At least they won't be a temptation! 
To celebrate Spring finally being here.. I bought some Spring Yellow Oreo cookies. It would have been sooo much better if the Oreo filling was lemon flavored with the chocolate cookie. I also tried Peanut butter Cup Oreo's. They were missing a bit of flavor? Maybe just taking a peanut butter cup and smashing that between two Oreo cookies just like Celina did.. would taste 100% better. Celina liked her idea instead of these cookies. Three failed products in our opinion.We'll still eat it all. At least it's not sooo good that I can't resist eating it all. I won't have to worry about my will power. 
Running Trails today.. and hoping I can get my Garmin to work correctly to see my running pace. If not.. guess I'll just have to wait to see it later! 

What are your First day of spring plans? 

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