Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Diet is my new hobby and So much SNOW!

I saw a Pinterst pin that said "Diet is my new hobby". I needed a new hobby anyway, might as well be a diet to lose weight. 
We got a foot of snow on Wednesday afternoon to evening. My run of course did not happen in the snow. I opted to shovel our driveway 3 times. I wondered why my abs were a bit more sore this morning then usual. 
The streets are wet and still have some ice/snow on them. I decided to get my ski's back out again after we just put them up in the garage rafters for the summer. I just followed the already made ski trail through the woods. I was pretty thankful that they didn't go my normal route all around the outside of the park. It's a long, long ski trail and I was pretty tired already. I was fighting every step since the snow was wet and just dragged me down. I was still pretty happy to get in one more time skiing. 
I had to stop to take a few photos out in the woods to catch my breath. 

Since I only skived for 50 minutes, I took Zoey for a walk in the back path behind our house. 
She was taking me for a walk most of the time. I need to read up on how to train a puppy to walk with you and not take me for the walk. 
She just loves it out in the snow. I had a hard time getting her to stay inside. She just wanted to run around and play in the big piles of snow. 

Friday, I'll be back to running but not till evening. I have a busy work day and I'm sure that's going to exhaust me! It's also suppose to rain so we shall see if I run or not. I might just save up for a longer run/bike on Saturday. All the snow should be melted by then. 
See, I said it was slow going every mile. 17.. almost 18 minute miles. Plus, I skied just under 3 miles and it felt like 10! Almost 53 minutes and that was enough cross country skiing! 

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