Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

On the road

I am still on the road to recovery from being sick with some type of virus that attacked my throat for 1-1/2 months. I am not coughing up a lung any longer but my left side of my chest/ribs really hurt. It hurts all the time when I try to turn from side to side or get up from laying down. It's just a royal pain! I've actually been doing planks which really hurts my ribs. I decided this morning it was just too much pain to keep doing till it heals up. It could take a while I'm told. Some people even break a rib coughing! I just strained some muscles but it sure doesn't feel good at all!
My chest doesn't hurt that much when I ride a bike. It only hurts when I hit bumps, which isn't that often since I try hard to avoid any if I can. Running felt okay too. I'm just not up for either this morning since Steve and I did a double bike ride that ended up being over 30 miles in one day. It was a good 3 -1/2 hours of bike riding, triple the amount of time I usually am on a bike. I feel fine today but I'll wait till the afternoon when it warms up to do my daily cardio. I'm tempted to just run one loop around our neighborhood just to do something.

The last few days I couldn't remember eating all my breakfast, which is a slice of whole grain bread with Chunky PB. I know I ate some but was still hungry a bit later on. Today, I caught Zoey eating my breakfast. Guess, that's what I get when I leave my bread with in a dogs reach! At least I know why I was so hungry after finishing breakfast! She is pretty sneaky!
 I baked some banana bread and made some brownies the other night. I really need to do more baking. I unfortunately like eating it a bit too much.

I'm trying to sell a few things on Craigslist and Neighborhood. We have this laundry sorter that we are replacing with shelves. Out with the cart and in with shelves. I have a few bike from the kids to put up for sale too and I'm sure there are more items I can find.

Did I mention that we, we meaning Steve finished painting the walls to the laundry room light gray. He also finished the 4" wide white base trim in all four rooms: Mud room, 1/2 bath, closet and laundry room. I don't have a new finished picture just yet. We still need the laundry sink/cabinet and shelves installed. I'm not sure if we will purchase shelves or use the materials we already have in the garage and just paint them. I'm leaning toward just purchasing some gray already done shelving. I just need to get to the store.
I'm feeling a bit tired since I woke up at 2:30 am and never really slept that well. Zoey woke me at 4:30 am so I've been trying to sleep but haven't gotten a chance since I'm up and down all morning letting the dog outside etc.. Just never ends the interruptions!

Have a super Tuesday!

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