Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I'm going to more sports events at my kids H.S. then I ever did at mine.

I actually played Basket  Ball in Middle School. I was tall so of course I was center and not very good! I wasn't interested in sports events in H.S  and as a result, I never went to one game. Now that Celina is in H.S, I've gone to a few football games and now a BB game. Of course it helps that she is playing in the Pep band and I have a reason to go. 
Steve and I were actually getting into watching the game, but we had to leave right before half time to go pick up Logan from soccer. 
I didn't bring my good camera and this is the best shot I could get with my phone of the band. Celina's down in the 3rd row to the front with the other Flute players. 
We didn't know any of the kids on the BB team. It's more fun if we actually know kids from the neighborhood playing. It was still fun to watch. 
There was a very smelly woman at the gym running directly under the fan. The odor from her body was blowing directly into our face. Not pleasant! This woman has beyond bad body odor.. It's down right offensive. What else can we do, but move ourselves away from that area and do some other type of cardio besides the cross ramp. It forced me to run on the treadmill. 

 It felt good to run and test out the new shoes. My feet hurt no matter what shoe I wear. I had to stop with 4 minutes to go because my feet were really sore. Maybe it's the socks.. it feels like the moisture wicking socks are a bit rough on my feet. Time to try a variety of socks while I run. 
 5.5 miles at a slow 5.6mph pace with incline to 1.5%.. rolling hills. 
It's another freezing cold day. Time to bundle up and head to the gym for a mini workout. I have my speed running during soccer tonight and a busy work day. I'm taking it easy and cutting my workout in half this morning. 

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