Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Making adjustments to meet goals.

I am always making adjustments in my daily workout plan. Its all about getting in my yoga, daily exercises and doing some cardio and weight lifting. 

In order to be successful at making changes you have to pre-plan and that means everything must have a back up plan ready to go. 
Since I can not control the weather and the freezing cold temperatures we are having, I have a back up workout plan for my cardio. It's not always my favorite but at least I'm not just skipping a workout. 
It was off to the gym this morning with Celina and her friend. I'm okay with being inside when the other option is to freeze. I'll take the warm gym. 3 miles on the cross ramp. Forward two miles then in reverse 1 mile. I biked for 30 minutes, or 6 miles, then ran on the elliptical for 2 miles, 1.5 forward and 1/2 mile in reverse. I even lifted weights for about 15 minutes. Did some ab, arm and chest weights. 
I got to babysit Evan yesterday and last night while his parents were out to dinner. I picked him up early, after lunch from daycare and we played and hung out till they picked him up at 9pm. 

We did a lot of just playing on the floor, while Evan instructed us what toys we should play with. He kind of runs the show and we just all follow along. 
One other adjustment I've had to make is not being perfect on my diet and to just keep going no matter what. I didn't want to de-motivated myself with not reaching a certain weight. I haven't gotten out the scale and I don't plan to do that anytime soon. I want to focus on eating healthy and eating less to lose weight. I'm on day #90, reached another goal milestone. In just 10 days I'll be at 100 days. I am making better food choices for breakfast, lunch and snacks most of the time. Dinners I'm trying to make changes in cooking more dinners, pre-planing meals. 
I know I've lost some weight. How much? No idea. Do I want to know? Sort of but its not going to make a difference if I lost 5 pounds or 13 at this point. My plan is to keep trying, making adjustments to my healthy eating plan and keep trying every day to work my way back into those skinny red jeans no matter how long it takes. It might take longer then my original plan and I'll just have to make more adjustments. 

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