Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Thursday, July 23, 2015

What is going on here?

I have been a bit of a slacker recently. Slacking on my running and daily exercises.  I'm just so darn tired. I've backed off to let myself rest up. Is that an excuse? I'm not sure because I've been skipping my run far more lately then I ever have since I started. I can tell you it makes me a bit antsy not running. 
I have to admit, when I have a very busy work day where it will take a lot of my energy just to get through the day, I think and want to skip my morning run. Unfortunately, I'm awful at making up those missed miles later on in the day. I'm just done, done working, done moving and not in the mood or ready to run after 12. If it doesn't happen in the morning.. Its not going to. If I do get out and bike or run later on.. that's a bonus! 
I'm not exactly taking it easy all the time. I just need my down time to rest up. My life is pretty full of everything I want to do. 
Run, working part time- because I like money to live, coaching boys soccer, playing on a co-ed soccer team, biking, boating, driver for my kids, baker, photography, reading.. and so on and so on... I don't want to take up my time doing anything I don't enjoy. 
I'm also at that age where I'm dealing with body temperature control. Hormones are completely out of whack! And nope, exercise has not tamed the hot flashes. I am blaming this on my lack of diet control too. It's just not fun aging.. I'm trying the best I can and I have to remember that. You can only do so much and to stop being so hard on myself if I don't run and do my daily exercise.. if I slip up and eat crap. Just do what I can and try to make some changes little by little.. or start fresh once again but never quit. 
Time is ticking.. I'm off to work and then I have plans to go to the gym with Celina this afternoon. She is good and trying to get me to workout in the afternoon. I just want to have the energy to do that! Tiny changes.. that's all it takes.. or so I tell myself!

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