Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Weight-loss, Fitness, Running

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Is this Spring blues?

I'm not sure what my problem was this morning. I woke up wanting to run. I just had a hard time doing the running part. I just feel kind of blah.. like I don't want to do this any more. It feels like a case of the spring blues, not a full depression, but just not wanting to do any of the activities that usually make me happy. I'm blaming it on the gloomy day, cloudy and chilly. 
I went through the motions of attempting to run. I finished 2 miles, got back to the car and gave up on running 6 miles. 
 I didn't want to do anything, not even going to work. I just wanted to crawl back into bed, sleep and read. I did exactly that, read my book, took a nap, then dragged myself to work. Unfortunately, after working, I still wanted to lay around and do nothing. Why is it so hard to get motivated? 
Is it the lack of green in all this brown? Is it the weather, cloudy? Is it just me? Am I tired? Not getting enough rest? Or am I burnt out on Running? Am I truly semi depressed? Because not feeling like running is really causing me to feel depressed. Laying around feels depressing. Not doing anything all day but lay in bed feels depressing. Being unmotivated feels depressing. This too shall pass. I am just having one of those bad spring running days. Everyone gets them and today is just my day. 

I forget how good I have it in life. I am healthy, I can run, I have a great family, steady part time work and the list goes on.  I start getting down on myself, for not being thinner, not being a faster runner, not running more miles, not getting more done around the house, and for not earning more to travel. Lately, this is what I think about while running. I suppose this is why I'm unmotivated to run.. its taking the fun out of run...   

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